Sunday, September 14, 2008

We were wondering why we couldn't log on to our blog and we found out today that the Ethiopian government has blocked all blog sites :) So, we've been emailing what we want to write to my (Kelsi's) mom and having her post them. We'll still try to update as much as we can.Last week we were able to spend some time in the hospital. Their ICU is combined with the PACU (post-anesthesia unit) since they don't have their ICU set up to be on its own right now. They only had 2 patients in the ICU, but both of them were very sick. Both were on ventilators and both were craniotomies. They have a couple of neurosurgeons here from Norway, so they are able to do some pretty complicated surgeries. We spent most of our time learning how they do things here since it's very different than in the US. The head of nursing at the hospital wants us to look at how they do everything in their ICU and see if we can think of ways to make it better and help train the nurses. We got to see a little bit of the city last week. We visited a couple of Ethiopian Orthodox churches (kind of like a cross between Judaism and Catholicism) and had some real Ethiopian food. Today we went to the English service at an Ethiopian church (they have another service in Amharic, which is the national language). There were mostly Ethiopians in the service but there were also quite a few internationals there from various countries. We really enjoyed it- they definitely know how to worship! :)We'll try to post some pictures soon if we can, but the internet connection isn't that great so hopefully it will work. Thanks for your prayers!


BBrotbeck said...

We are prayong and thanking you for your work. You are the hands and feet of our Lord in Ethiopia. Why the blog firewall...are there political things going on in ethiopia? Thank God for His sovereignty.

Anonymous said...

wow! How awesome. I will pray that God uses you guys in many encouraging ways....keep posting, and take lots of pictures!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for your updates giving us eyes into a different world. I think of you often and you are in my prayers.