Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hey everyone! It's hard to believe we've been here a whole week already. We've been working in the hospital for a few days now. Eric is in the ER and I'm in the ICU, and then we'll switch places after we've worked one week. We went to church Sunday at the church that's on the mission compound and then went to the Bible study on Sunday night at the medical director's house. Church was in English and Assamese, so it was nice to be able to understand the language. The Bible study was completely in English. We both really enjoyed the Bible study. It was fun getting to know the some of the staff that work here at the hospital and being able to worship and pray together. We are the only Americans here. Everyone else is Indian except for a neurosurgeon and his family who are from New Zealand, but they're only here for 2 more months. The food is ok- in the U.S. we love to go to Indian restaurants, but that food is not like real Indian food :) Here, the food pretty much all tastes the same and they use a ton of curry and tumeric and serve everything with rice. It tastes pretty good, but sometimes we just eat peanut butter and bread for a change :)
We're getting a little better after being sick, so that's definitely a praise. We found out that the fighting is now as close as a 3 hour drive from us. It's actually in the city we flew into from Delhi, so please pray for continued safety for us and the Indian people.
Thanks again for praying! We can't wait to see all of you again soon!
-Kelsi and Eric :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! Glad you guys are feeling better. Will be praying! Is that the same airport you fly out of?