Thursday, September 11, 2008

Eric and I are in Ethiopia after 25 hours of travel :) We got in last night about 9:00 and went to bed not too long after that. We didn't sleep too well because of jet lag, but we both took a couple naps today. Today we took a tour of the hospital and got some more information about how the ministry here started. Tomorrow is the Ethiopia new year, so we won't be actually working in the hospital until Friday. It sounds like we will be in the ICU for most of the time while we're here, which is fine with us since that's what we have experience in. We were very impressed with the hospital facilities. They seem to have a lot of equipment that many missions hospitals don't have. We were glad to see that they want their main purpose here to be spreading the Gospel. We'll update more later! -Eric and Kelsi :)


wingjason said...

Hey guys... so thankful you made it! Keep the blogs coming. APEX loves you guys and are keeping you in our prayers!


BBrotbeck said...

So glad to see a good report. Have a happy new year and celebrate extra for us with the people over there.

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Team Harris. My name is Brad Doudican, and I serve in missions at Apex. We've never met, but I hope we do soon. My wife and I have both spent time in India, and would love to chat with you about it.

It is inspiring to see folks so diligently following God's call for their lives. I'd love to catch up with you via phone or Skype to learn about your passions, and discuss ways that I can leverage the resources of Apex to serve you. When you have time, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would drop me a line at

You'll be in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

YAY! An update from the Harrises. :)

Glad to hear you made it there safely. Praying that you'll get your sleeping straightened out soon and have an amazing experience over there. Love you!

Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you guys! I am praying for your ministry, travel, safety, and that God will use this time to bring further clarification regarding your calling as overseas missionaries.
I stopped and visited the fish today. They looked a little sad because they haven't seen you in a week, but I gave them a pep talk. I think they'll be okay ;)